Two years ago

I travelled for the first time beyond the borders of Europe to Nepal, where I worked on a school building project in a remote community. In this first experience, I immersed myself in a culture very different from my own and it inspired me to get more involved in helping communities and making positive changes happen.

In the middle of

a group with people from different parts of the world, I found myself in a collective endeavour to actively improve the situation of people. I discovered a shared mission to make life better for others. I learned that it's not just about "rescuing" these communities or making them more like the West. It's about giving them the chance to pass on their knowledge to their next generations, and providing tools to broaden their perspectives and strengthen their future prospects.

I realized

that building a school has the potential to significantly improve the lives of its inhabitants. Basic education in reading, writing, and arithmetic can be transformative for these individuals. Take, for example, the scenario where fewer individuals would be compelled to use their fingerprint as a signature due to an inability to write their own names. Additionally, improved numeracy skills would empower them to handle money better by themselves, reducing the likelihood of being exploited or taken advantage of in financial transactions.

I learned a lot

for myself on my last trek to Nepal. Apart from the hands-on experience of constructing a house foundation without modern equipment and the physical effort involved, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in new dances, customs, and traditional handcrafts. I will particularly remember how simple it is to have an enormous amount of fun with locals with a simple football, even if we don't understand each other's languages at all.

As I open

the next chapter of this expedition, I look forward to the adventure ahead with anticipation and curiosity. With each step forward, I am reminded of the potential of the collective effort and the transformative power that comes with it. Together, we have the power to create a better tomorrow.

I would like to

express my deepest gratitude to the individuals who have supported me on my journey thus far. Their kindness and generosity has left an indelible mark on my heart, along with an enduring energy that serves as a source of inspiration and motivation, for which I am truly grateful.